Evelyn Dall
The Official website

Evelyn Dall: Quotes
Evelyn sings a song called "Selling Sex" in the stage review "Parade" in 1935. Like labor, sex has become a market commodity. under capitalism. Evelyn Dall explains how it is sold by present-day high pressure methods. The lyric is by Kyle Crichton,The US Stage 1934
Ambrose signs US Croonerette Ambrose considering how he can make his band more attractive from the visual point of view... has taken on a new American croonerette whose value to the stage show is at once decorative and rhythmic.
A platinum blonde with 100% 'IT' Miss Dall is the personification of rhythm and her slightly hard tone and perfect intonation are just right for the peppy interpretation of her numbers.
She shakes a mean hip and provincials who see the show are going to get a definitely intriguing eyeful."
Melody Maker 17 August 1935
Rhythm..."and Evelyn Dall figuring prominently in this department."
The Stage 29 August 1935
At the Grand Theatre, Blackpool
The "orchestra met with great reception on Monday and Evelyn Dall delighted as the vocalist."
The Stage 17 October 1935
Record Review: Mrs. Worthington b/w Cohen, the Crooner.
Mrs. Worthington is Noel Coward's latest classic, and this record of it (Decca F5698) marks the debut of Ambrose's blonde bombshell, Evelyn Dall. What a girl! And what "personality"! She completely overshadows Max Bacon's brilliance in another of his Yiddish comedy numbers. A grand record.
The Gramophone Nov 1935
Penshot (Reporter) "Never for a moment is she still. Platinum blonde, big shining eyes, pearly teeth, pep and personality enough for any glamourous film star.
Evelyn Dall "Ambrose is one of the finest men to work for you could possibly find."
Musical Pictorial March 1936
Ambrose orchestra-Review Empire "The Ambrose orchestra conducted by Evelyn Dall furnishes an attractive return of popular music, in which vocal numbers are extensively featured. Evelyn Dall sings well and conducts admirably."
12 March 1936
Hippodrome Theatre, Portsmouth, the Ambrose orchestra conducted by Evelyn Dall
"For some weeks now Ambrose's band under the leadership of the platinum and pyrotechnic Evelyn Dall has been touring in Variety."
Melody Maker 6 April 1936
At Birmingham Hippodrome
"Evelyn Dall sings with vitality and expression."
The Stage 30 April 1936
"When I came to join Ambrose I was pretty scared. I had never sung with a dance band or sung through a radio mike."
Evelyn Dall
Record Review: Woe is Me (Decca F5933) is really the vehicle for Evelyn Dall. but she's worth the whole one and sixpence.
The Gramophone May 1936
Evelyn Dall "I hate mushy love. I dislike sentimental talk...Maybe one day I'll meet a man who'll think and talk differently, and then I'll fall with a bang."
Radio Pictorial 6 November 1936
Evelyn Dall: Bing Crosby, Connie (sic) Boswell and Lucienne Boyer, they're my idols."
Rhythm March 1937
"I think Radio's Beauty Queen No.1 is Evelyn Dall. Boy, that Blonde Bombshell's got everything. What eyes! What a figure! What sex-appeal! What pep! That smile of Evelyn's is marvellous."
Sutherland Felce, Radio Pictorial 19 March 1937
"Leave some clothes on me Jack - I might catch cold!"
(she said over the microphone, after realising bandleader Jack Harris was undressing her with his eyes )
Evelyn Dall, Spring 1937
Reporter "After being up all night (Evelyn at 1 pm) is as tired as most people are at 1 am."
Radio Pictorial July 1937
(On clothes for the Bank Holidays)
"I wear navy blue slacks and white sun top, no evening dress. Instead of hats I wear those three cornered turban affairs (a three cornered scarf), it's so good for keeping your hair tidy."
Evelyn Dall, Rhythm August 1937
The outstanding record of this section so far is Vocalion 573, which contains Goombay Drum and a new setting of Oh Marie! Oh Marie! played by Horace Heidt and his Brigadiers. Their style is somewhat akin to that of Ambrose, and the likeness is made more vivid by Yvonne King, whose singing closely resembles that of Evelyn Dall. Earmark this record.
The Gramophone Jan 1938
On appearing at the Derby Ball, Buckingham Palace.
"This is an evening that I will remember all my life."
Evelyn Dall
Time Reporter "(Wearing) a slithery backless blue satin gown, she sent royal hosts and guests swinging with hot choruses of the latest US numbers."
Father) Isadore 'Izzy' Fuss "Evelyn is a good kid. She swings and sways like nobody's business."
Time Magazine June 1938
Not everyone was so thrilled...Joyce Grenfell wrote scathingly about Evelyn's performance in a letter to her mother on 6 June 1938 and published in a collection of her letters.
Darling Ma published 1988
Ambrose Octet-Review (Croydon Empire) "The Ambrose Octet is delighting large audiences here this week…they include Evelyn Dall, a lively singer or popular melodies."
8 December 1938
Robinson Crusoe-Review (King's Theatre, Edinburgh) "Evelyn Dall is a dainty principal girl."
2 January 1941
At Nottingham Empire "Evelyn Dall attracts with her artistically-rendered songs."
The Stage 12 February 1942
Green for Piccadilly-Review Royal Court, Liverpool "Evelyn Dall did well in a number called 'Samba' in which a well-drilled team of dancers provided a rhythmic background."
24 Dec 1942
(As star of Cole Porter's show 'Something for the Boys')
Reporter "She's a tiny little thing. She objected to women who hang about crooning after they'd lost their sex appeal. Herself, as soon as she noticed the interest in a single pair of eyes flagging, she'd quit the stage and screen."
Something for the Boys-Review "Of the cast, Evelyn Dall has that rare gift of effortless vitality."
30 Dec 1943
Something for the Boys-Review "Evelyn Dall's vivid personality is admirably suited to the part of Blossom."
27 Jan 1944
"At least the audience can't fall asleep. They say 'you're a band singer, you can't move without a mike. In fact, you probably can't move.' So I'm thinking, Gee I'll show them."
Evelyn Dall, Picture Post April 1944
Record Review: Turning now to something certainly exhibiting more pep, we find Evelyn Dall singing two numbers from her current show "Something for the Boys." The first is the title song and the second the equally well known Hey, Good-looking. It was, I thought, a pity that Miss Dall found it necessary to exaggerate to such an extent her fascinating American accent, but perhaps in view of the fact that this is an all-American production, she should be forgiven (Decca F8429).
The Gramophone June 1944
Follow the Girls-Review Manchester Premiere "Evelyn Dall especially in the later phases of the play is glamorous sophistication personified, with a touch of piquancy added that is attractive. She is at her best in a song "I Wanna Get Married."
30 August 1945
Follow the Girls-Review "Evelyn Dall scores as Bubbles La Marr - she is pertly piquant and sings her numbers well and acts cleverly. One of her songs 'I Wanna Get Married' should be cut as not in the best taste and quite unnecessary in a show of this description."
1 November 1945
Reporter "On 'Follow the Girls' "In Arthur Askey and pep girl Evelyn Dall, musical comedy has a grand team who leave no stone unturned."
Theatre World December 1945
About "King Arthur Was a Gentleman: My leading lady was Evelyn Dall...and what a real dolly girl she was too."
Arthur Askey 1975
Regarding Jack Hylton "He was not one of my favorite people." He was a smart operator, kind of a tough guy, not the kind of person I liked to hang around with."
Evelyn Dall, October 2004
About Vera Lynn "Of course I remember her. She must be an old bag like me."
Evelyn Dall, 25 January 2006
On offer here a stonkingly rare and gorgeous recording by Ambrose and his orchestra with vocal chorus by the equally gorgeous Evelyn Dall. Classic stuff from Ambrose and the fabulous Miss Dall!
E-bay seller May 2008